Monday, August 9, 2010

jUst aNoTheR maNic moNdAy - dAy sEvEn

i usually hate mondays. today was no exception to that but it wasn't as bad as some have been. i am not the biggest fan of my own job. i will be back in school in no time and will leave this wretched corporate america...for yet another i'm sure.

after work i weeded the garden. i'm convinced now that I should have left the weeds because now the flowers don't look as luscious. at least they looked full with the weeds. i would have taken a before and after but the battery in my camera died and i need to get the charger from mom. tomorrow. at least i got a couple before it died. cooked dinner and cleaned up. drank a few beers and put off writing thank you's for yet another night....yes i know...the wedding was in may...i am a master procrastinator...

bird practicing...not happy that I took his pic, but he looked good doin' it so I couldn't resist...

Bird's baby. dogs sure can contort themselves in some seriously awkward positions.

sometimes i think her tongue is not connected. to a point where it concerns me some.

sUNdAy fUndAy - dAy sIx

i usually love sundays. not this sunday though. i woke up very hungover, stiff from the ground that i slept on, needing to pee, but longing for more sleep. sleep would have come had my bladder not won that battle. i got up and decided i'd might as well stay up. i wanted to be with family.

at least i had a nice view for my coffee.

Jay really likes my dad's John Deere. so i took his pic again. lol. i was happy to do it actually. I'm glad our friends came. we had a blast. Mom made breakfast and we all stuffed ourselves again. Jay, Donnie, Erin, Steve, Ben and Mary left and I proceeded to be even more hungover then i was when i woke up. i packed up the tent, and our gear only to find that i had lost the tent bag. typical. i found it later in another bag i forgot i had. packed the car and went back to sleep. Woke up later groggy and longing for my own bed. finished packing and loaded Kim and headed home since she wasn't feeling well. Bird got to stay an extra night and bring Kim's car home the next day. the drive home always makes me sad. and then i look back at pictures and smile...365 days 'til next tractor pull family reunion...

this is what happens when you let your sister apply your sunscreen...really she was fine...but sucking up all the attention just the same.

family game of mancala

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