Wednesday, August 4, 2010


First tomatoe...they're a little challenged and neglected this year.

I heart black-eyed susans

toDay is the FiRst day of the rEst of my liFe - dAy oNe coNt...

Just in case you wanted to know what the devil looked like.

I dusted off the camera tonight and decided that my next big purchase for myself will be a new camera. Found myself at my parents house looking for the old tripod...apparently it grew legs. No one has seen it for years. I'm thinking maybe there was some foul play. I'll just blame it on JoePetie for now. (above, pronounced Joe Peetey-had a serious moment of indecisiveness and couldn't decide between Joe and Pete). I took some randoms and realized that I love the location of where I live though I may not like where I live.

I think I'll change my fonts around a little.

dAy oNe

I'm excited to start this! I've never done a blog before and so I will learn as I go. My goal is to take (at least) one picture for every day of my life for a year. I may learn to slow down and appreciate the infinite beauty that surrounds me everyday...because right now...I find myself just walking past without a second glance. I hope you enjoy...I know I will.