Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday August 25, 2010 - dAy tWeNtY-tHrEE

i have a serious craving for tomatoes and cucumbers on a regular basis. not sure why. just love the juicy little buggers. i actually took this pic on day twenty-two, but forgot to upload it. it's a nice one too so i thought i'd share. mom made this with dinner tuesday night. all out of the garden. there's something very satisfying about growing something from seed.

anywho...wednesday is our new quoit night at Craig and Johanna's. fun times, fun times. their dog nesta is a hoot to say the least. she 'cracked out'-as i call it, last night on several occasions. by this i mean she ran herself in circles with her tail tucked up as tight as is possible. and when i say run...i really mean runs sprints. might be one of the funniest things ever. Johanna made brownies and we (Johanna, Jen, Emma, & i) ate, drank beer and watched the boys (Craig, Bird, Charlie, & Brady, Johnny) try to beat eachother without actually physically beating eachother. i played my guitar for a while and then Nicole came. we talked for a while and made some fun jokes about the accidental use of a horse tranquilizer called rompum. oh Nicole... all in all a really fun night. i love my people =)

yum...what is it about chocolate? i think she put crack in these actually.

G & D...and so i learn