Friday, August 20, 2010

cHursdAy - dAy sEvENtEEn

chursdays are my favorite!!!!! it's my way of saying it's chinese for lunch. it was also thirsty thursday at my parents. woke up there AGAIN. went to work AGAIN. stopped at Beth's to help her cut her kitties of these times i will take my camera and get their portraits...pretty pretty cats! went to mom's for dinner and to visit with Pam who was in from oHIo. she's a fun lady. really like her! watched Bird, Johnny, Dad, & Craig play quoits and went to bed relatively early. not very eventful, but fun just the same.  i think our dogs are enjoying the freedom one experiences while at my parents...

i have a new found obsession with photographing beer...not sure why...

mama's dog Harry Plopper...plays as hard as he possibly can and then throws himself in the baby pool...strange little bug, that Harold.

wHacKi wEdNeSdAy - dAy siXtEEn

i love wednesdays. not sure why. woke up late and went to mom and dad's to take a shower since we still don't have water. took a shower and went to work schmirk. that part kinda sucked i guess. "Life're either working, or stuck at home watching daytime tv"- Uncle Tom. love my family! did not feel so well from the night before...waaaaay to much alcohol...

i make it big. then you can see how big my love for cherries is! so hungover today i was a waste of life...only took one pic...spent the night at mom and dad's. much easier then waking up and trying to find water to give to the dogs and to flush the toilet...notice the order of my house stinks. i need water to clean it...sigh

tUesdAy jAms - dAy fiftEEn

tuesday...i like tuesdays. mostly because it means it's not monday anymore. every other tuesday is open mic with my cousin Tommy at the beaver creek tavern. fun times even though i drank way too much. had a lot of new people show up this week. i only sang two since nicole was sick... =(

Dan, Kyle's friend and fellow band member. he played a plethora of instruments. but my fave is the harmonica. plus i really like his reflection in the table...

mama and Eric, Eric and mama

my kimusabi...

apple doesn't fall far...

Tommy played a couple new ones. love to watch him play.

it took so long to load the first video...that i gave up...i think i'll post them later...