Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 28, 2010 - dAy fifTy-sEvEn

tuesday. open mic at the beaver this week. good time really! saw lots of family and sang a bunch of songs. even Colleen and Brandon came out! it was Colleen's 6th anniversary of her 29th birthday, so of course we sang to her! some beers and a couple shots later, and i was drunk again. great...came home and Bird and Dan were there. Dan got a deer and they were butchering. it's nice to have our own meat and not have to buy it.

accidentally cut out Danielle's head...oops...let's try again...

now she's just being a more time... her! my fave

after i got home i wanted to take another pic. not sure why. when i woke up the next morning this is what i found on my camera. dog feet...yup...that's me

September 27, 2010 - dAy fifTy-sIX we are again...i'm going to change the name of this day. i'm gonna call it scumday from now on. cause that's what it is. a scum day. went to work schmirk, and then came home and Bird and i went to the grocery store. we needed them. after, i went to mom and dad's to watch the Simpson's Movie with Mom and Kimusabi. LOVE that movie! that will be my 12th viewing. and it only keeps getting funnier...and of movie is any sort of good without popcorn...yum

i used to work in the Lionville post office...and the Regal cinemas was next store and all day long the smell of popcorn would waft its way through the ventilation system into our store...i hated Regal for this. always craving popcorn and not knowing why...

September 26, 2010 - dAy fifTy-fiVE

sunday funday! kinda felt like hammered shit for a while on this day. couldn't possibly be from the consumption of too much alcohol. no way! didn't do much this day. took a shower and then Jay the Monkey came over and we drank...again...and watched the Phils and then the Eagles game. nice relaxing day...

the storm that came in Sunday night.

September 25, 2010 - dAy fifTy-foUR

saturday. woke up and went to the bank with Bird. then stopped at his grandparents on the way home. came home and cleaned the house. Joe came over and went hunting with Bird. i got kidnapped by Brady Johnny and Nicola Ricola and we went to Victory to add 1 more beer to my 12 for the day. yikes. i was feeling little to no pain, and realize this is why drunk drivers are rarely the ones that get hurt in accidents. thankfully...Nicola Ricola was driving. brought home pizza for dinner. SO good...Nicola Ricola and Brady Johnny stayed for a while and then i passed out pretty early considering i was hammered. all in all...good day...

i love pizza...are there people out there who don't like pizza? those people don't deserve to eat if you ask me.

September 24, 2010 - dAy fifTy-thRee

fridays are my most favorite days. quoit night at Jen and Charlie's...until it gets cold i guess. then we'll have to come up with an indoor sport to fill our time! had dinner with Kim first and then went over to quoits...and of course...Jen spends most of her time trying to figure out how to fatten me up...this is what she used this week...

evil...evil woman i say...

September 23, 2010 - dAy fifTy-tWo

thursdays. thursday are usually good days. but this thursday was so long ago, and i've been so far behind on my blog that i have no idea what i did that day...let me look at pics...

from this pic i can give you some vague recollection...Bird hung out with the boys...i hung out with Kim...the end. hahahahahahahaha...oh victory

September 22, 2010 - dAy fifTy-oNe

Wednesday. went to work as usual...nothing out of the ordinary with this day except that Kim made stuffed shells for dinner!!! YUM!

some of the ingredients. i didn't help...i just watched...and then ate it.

Drank a couple drinks and then sat by the fire with Kim...good night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 21, 2010 - dAy FiFtY

tuesday. woke up at mom and dad's early for some reason. it was nice to be able to get ready and then take the dogs out while i drank my coffee. went to work schmirk. long day. came home, fed the dogs and piled them in the car to take them to mom and dad's. Kim made grilled cheese sandwiches and we sat around waiting for Bird to come home from hunting. got his first doe of the season! yes...butchering season is here.

open mic at ruffini's. Kim and i went down. still couldn't sing. been sick for so long and coughing for so long that my vocal chords are not in the best of shape. need vocal rest i think. Nathaniel came out with Nicole though and they played a good amount. even Aunt Pat came down! LOL. kinda funny seeing Aunt Pat in a bar. had a few drinks with some good people. and some people had too many! LOL. not sure whether belligerently drunk people make me laugh or just annoy me. maybe it's a little of both. didn't stay too late this time. went back to mom and dad's. hung out more with Kim and then Bird came home and we crashed. tuesday was exhausting...

Nathaniel's eyeballs look funny in this one...

this one defines our relationship...but i made her take a good one...

...'cept i look smashed for some reason...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 20, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-nInE schmirk. came home after work and Bird and i decided to spend the week with Kim. Mom and Dad are in the Outer Banks for the week. i packed a bag and we took the dogs with us. had leftover Pulled Pork and Mac 'n' Cheese. this never gets old for me. love that stuff.

turns out 3 dogs in the kitchen is a lot of dog. they got along alright though considering. 


after dinner watched the Phils!! what a great game! went to bed early. slept awesome in the king size bed! didn't even feel the dogs on the bed with us. great day.

September 19, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-eiGHt

sunday funday. woke up early to Ally wanting to watch tv. i was more then willing to oblige her. Heather and Russ had a long night with Jonathan. apparently coming home can be very traumatic for a baby. got up and followed our routine from the morning before. Ally watched me do my hair and makeup, while pretending to be at the beach, and then i curled her hair and we went downstairs for breakfast, puzzle playing, and coloring. Johanna made banana bread...yum, and then we went to the park. this little girl has more energy then i could ever dream of having...

she loves to swing. i remember loving the swings too...not so much now...kinda makes me woozie...ugh...

if this isn't a Heather face i don't know what is. LOVE.

whenever you bring the camera out...Ally needs to take one. we'll call this photography by Ally Rose. not too shabby actually.

loves sunglasses. all kids do really. 

i had such a good time. i miss them already and wish that they lived closer! can't wait to go see them again!

got home around 7, and ate dinner with Kim and Bird. Pulled Pork and baked mac 'n' cheese...yum!!! went home unpacked and went to bed early. perfect end to a perfect weekend!

September 18, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-sEvEn

woke up early. got Ally dressed and Russ left for the hospital to pick up Heather and Jonathan. took a shower and did my hair and makeup while Ally watched. curled her hair too and pretended to be at the beach in the bathroom. (the bathroom mat is the water and it's always too cold for CC! LOL. She has the best imagination!) ate breakfast and did puzzles and colored for what seemed like hours waiting for them to come home. decided to go to the grocery store to get food for dinner and breakfast and lunch. took Ally with seats btw...are not my friend. i feel as though these things should be self explanatory, but apparently you have to be either a rocket scientist, or Johanna in order to figure them out...ugh...

sticker fun. and finally...

Jonathan and Heather come home! Ally Rose was so excited!!!

little angel...

Jonathan and Auntie Joh

Ally Rose didn't know what to do with herself at first. She was excited and green with envy all at the same time.

until she got to hold him...too cute.

took a nap with Daddy, and Auntie Joh and Ally and i baked cookies.

yeah...these didn't last very long between me and Ally Rose and Russ...LOL

played the day away and loved on Jonathan and then gave Ally a bath. i LOVE shampoo!! best hair gel in the world! LOL. what a great day!

September 17, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-sIX

friday...thank god! Took long enough. work schmirk and then climbed in the car with Johanna for the 2 hour drive to Scranton to meet Jonathan Ryan!!! the car ride seemed to take forever! pulled up to the house to find Russ and Ally Rose waiting for us on the porch. Ally ran for hugs and we climbed back in to the car to follow Russ to the hospital. got there just in time to see Heather and Jonathan. visiting hours were over at 9, but they let us stay late since we drove all that way!

drumrolll please.....................

introducing...Jonathan Ryan Lupton. 8 lbs. 1 oz. little lover!

it was love at first sight for Auntie Joh...and me too of course!

got back to the house and played some with Ally Rose. Went to sleep excited for tomorrow. Heather and Jonathan come home!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 16, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-fIVE

thursday schmirzday. thirsty thursday usually. we stayed in tonight though. i cleaned the house and did laundry so that i could pack for friday night. i'm leaving with Joh to go to Scranton to see Johathan Ryan Lupton!-Heather and Russ's new addition....and of course big sister, Ally Rose! can't wait! got hoagies from Michaelangelos and drank some suds. to be honest, my camera battery died and i couldn't take a picture today... :( i'll have to add a day to my year and do 366 days instead of 365 days. but here are a couple of pics i took a while back after a storm. part of a tree fell in our's still there. just a'danglin'...

can't really tell from this angle...

there...that's better...better pic anyway...not better situation...

Bird's target practice...i think he's ready. Took this pic wednesday actually, but it didn't go with my dog playing theme...

can't wait for tomorrow...

September 15, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-foUR

wednesdays are always better then tuesdays. hump day! came home from work and Bird brought home pizza. sat around for a while and then decided to go to Joh and Craig's for more quoits. i know...borderline obsession with this game. but in all fairness, Bird is in a tournament with Charlie, Dad, Uncle Charlie and some others this weekend, so they need all the practice they can get. got to hang out with Joh, Nicole, Brady Johnny, and Blue (Joh and Craig's new addition whom i FORGOT to take a picture of...bummer). had a good time sluggin' suds and taking shots of the sac-o-wine that Nicole brought. Good night.

took some pics of the dogs playing before we left for Joh and Craig's. she's fast...real fast...and Joe is just fat and cranky i've decided...he just chases her and barks at her. but he'll never catch her

kinda blurry. she's so fast i could bearly catch her.

yes 'mam...that's 82 lbs of pure muscle comin' right AT me!!! and JoePetie following behind, slower then molasses in January.

this is her favorite game. piss off Joe enough so he chases her. works everytime too.

late night couch Bird took this one...

September 14, 2010 - dAy fouRTy-tHRee

tuesday. better then monday i guess. went to work.. it was same shit bigger pile. not a very good day for me all around. except that we went to Jen and Charlie's for dinner and quoits. always a good time with them! ate hotdogs and hamburgers and a salad and then ate dessert and talked with Jen, Mom, Johanna, and Emma while Bird, Dad, Charlie, and Craig played quoits. early night really. went home talked with Bird for a while. did a shot of whiskey to relieve the throat and then went to bed...but don't worry, i took a pic of dessert before we ate it all!!

sugar cookies...yum. i think i ate most of them...

and pudding. it's been a long time since i had pudding, and come to think of it...i don't think i ate any while we were there. shame really, because i think i like pudding...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 13, 2010 - dAy foURtY-tWo

monday. damn monday. today i decided that it's time to find a new job. a must. i'm tired of watching the money come in and go back out as fast if not faster. i want there to be something left over...a girl can dream right? what would i be without dreams? went to work schmirk as usual. though i should have stayed home. still feel like crap and i hate it. being sick is worse when you're an adult. not only to you miss the things you want to do, but you stress over the things that you need to do, but can't because you're least when you were a kid, you got to watch movies and eat ice cream and snuggle with your're biggest worry (and really it was your mother's, not yours) was whether or not you were missing something important in school... came home from work and cooked dinner. meatloaf. i like meatloaf, but i've come to find out it does not photograph very well. kinda gross looking actually. oh well. only took the one...cause i'm sick...and i hate everything...

hung out with Kim for a bit. she came over to bring me the nettie pot (sp?), this contraption that allows you to poor warm, salty, zincafied (a word i just made up meaning: zinc added) water up into your nasal cavaties (not to be confused with teeth cavities). basically it shoots up into your sinuses and gets all the gross stuff out. you might say, "i don't want to know what's up in there when i'm sick"-and you'd be right. i didn't want to know. but this feeling was overpowered by my need to rid my body of this disease that has taken over. yet another gross thing one must face when sick. i don't like it. kinda feels like drowning, but not really. made me feel better for a while though. watched the phils and went to bed. the end of a crappy day...

meatloaf. at least i got to eat something nutritous. if meatloaf is nutritous that is. it was better then soup. i don't like to eat soup when i'm sick.