Tuesday, August 17, 2010

bEAcH bOUnd - dAy eLeVeN

left for the beach around 5-5:30. traffic wasn't really that bad. made a couple of stops at the market and the liquor store. two essential stops mind you. grabbed some fresh tomatoes and nuts at Hershey's Farm market and some sweet tea RASPBERRY vodka at the wine & spirits across the street...yum...and headed out. vodka and tomatoes don't really go well together, but it's what i wanted.

got to LN and Dan's around 8:30pm. we beat them there. HA. though i was sort of driving like a maniac. we got there in one piece. that's all that matters right? the drinking started and lasted all weekend, though this is what caught my eye when we first walked in the door. i have a new found love for Red Stripe Light...yeah...i know...weird.

Lennie B Lennie and Smellin' LN. two of my favorites. 

angry little Montgomery Burns.

we drank some, tried to play a game which called for absolutely no inhibitions, can't remember what it was called, and went to bed. great start to a fantastic weekend!!

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