i'm kinda obsessed with strange littlle bugs and spider webs.
where i enjoyed my saturday morning coffee
Bird, Steve, Erin, Donnie, & Jay got up there around noon. drank some beers, went swimming, did some fishing. we finally decided we needed to go over to the tractor pull for some food.
we might be big, but we still find great pleasure in throwing stones bigger then your head
Jay liked this tractor so i took a pic. notice the roll cage around the seat...
We ate some great Pulled Pork, went back to the house and did some more drinking and swimming. Ben and Mary showed up and the real debauchery began! Bird decided to go snorkeling and when he did, he found a ginormous wali (sp?) After that he fashioned himself a spear and went back in after it. He was not successful, but I was proud of the effort even though I still don't believe the fish existed. At least not as big. It was really just amusing to watch him go around caveman like with his make shift spear that was really just a long stick with a couple knives tired to the end. I was upset he was not successful cause I secretly wanted to see it as bad as he wanted to catch it.
we drank a whole lot more. our friend RJ cooked the world's best BBQ chicken, corn on the cobb, baked potatoes, my sister's baked beans. it was fantastic and i gorged myself. not too much that there wasn't enough room for more beer mind you.
drank a ton more, played the guitar, sang some. finally made it to the fire on the beach. i retired very late and didn't get much sleep. I was warm now with Bird to snuggle with, but my arm kept falling asleep. i was not meant to sleep on the ground.
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