Wednesday, August 25, 2010

tUesdAy - dAy tWeNty-tWo

tuesday least it's not monday. and all hail the water gods!!! we have running water. it's a god damned miracle. came home from work and immediately cleaned my bathroom! heh...only me. i was actually excited to clean. met Bird at ruffini's for a drink and then had dinner at my parents...we eat there a lot don't we? it had never really occurred to me 'til i started this blogging thing...hmmm. took some pictures for my boss today. vitabru-our embroidery company is going to be in a magazine and they needed pics...these are the machines that i listen to alllllllllll day long. i've been there so long now though i barely notice them anymore. when i start dreaming about them i'll be nervous.

i would have included more but the other pictures included the staff...not sure how much they would enjoy being a part of my blog though. course...i guess they're going to be in a magazine...

i like these machines. sometimes i just go back and watch them sow...i'm a little strange. i'm not afraid to admit it. there's something soothing about 8 sowing machines going at once in perfect rhythm.

mOndAy - dAy tWeNtY-oNe

i officially loath monday's...are they ever good? i think monday should be our sunday...that way we could hate tuesday for a while and leave monday alone. the thing is...i can't find anything good about monday. the word monday makes me cringe...

went to mom and dad's after work. watched the second Boondock Saints. LOVED it even more than the first! "i'll tell you why. it's because i am so fucking smart that i make smart people feel like they are retarded". might be my most favorite movie line of all time...a must see.

got my new makeup today. YAY! love it. 120 colors here i face just exploded the freakin' rainbow. so here...i'll share my color wealth...

so fun...

you name a shade...i've got it...or the means to mix it. i have a new found love for my makeup and it's the only good thing i could find about this particular monday...

sUndAy fUndAy - dAy twEntY

wow...twenty days of seems like a long time to me. this morning i thought about what it's gonna feel like when i hit 3-digit numbers. heh...i'll probably be sick of it...nah...probably not. i'm indecisive in my blog.

didn't wake up 'til about 12pm due to the late hours of the night before. had so much fun. just kept replaying the night over and over again. Bird went to work and i went to hang out with Kim. took the dogs with me and we all laid on the couch downstairs and watched Boondock Saints. LOVED it! "we're just like 7-eleven. we're not always in business, but we're always open". stayed for dinner and then went to the farm to go fishing.

love to watch Bird fish...

then it got dark. we stood around and listened to Nathaniel tell chicken and rooster stories for a while. they have 6 'chickens'...turns out 3 of them were roosters. the biggest thinks he's hot stuff...we just make fun of him. and it's a lot of fun believe you me...but then, Nathaniel does tell some pretty funny stories.

sAtuRdAy - dAy NiNeteeN

saturdays are strange days. woke up relatively early and went for a run. came home and decided to clean. Bird helped. went to the neighbors to get hot water to mop the floor. that was kind of a pain. i'm over it. went to mom and dad's to take showers and then headed out to phoenixville to hang with Steve, Lauren, Niki, and Tim. had dinner-most delicious mac 'n' cheese EVER! Lauren is my new favorite cook! ...and then she brought out dessert. i totally peed a little it was SO good. pots du creme. i need this recipe. it was to die for. i never took pictures of dinner, though i should have. now it's in my belly. too late... We walked in to town and went to molly maguires and had a blast. Bird talked the band into letting me go up and sing one. bobby magee never lets me down. it was so much fun. sorta got lost on the way home, but made it safely anyway at about 3:30am!! holy super tired batman! but it was well worth it!

the grapes that are now in my belly...yum

fRidAy - dAy eigHtEEn

friday...thank god for fridays. i wish everyday felt as good as friday. i've been really behind on my blogs. my goal is to catch up today on the last 5 days and then be on top and ahead of the game. we shall see...after all...i am a master procrastinator.

came home from work and went to dinner at the beaver creek tavern. wasn't impressed. we don't go there for the food...we go there for the booz...and the open mic on tuesdays of course. we left there and went to ruffini's to hang out with Don and Vern. had a couple beers, went home, probably stayed at mom and dad's but i can't remember...too long ago. this is what happens when you don't keep up with your blog... =(

i was lazy friday i do remember that. the only pics i got were the ones i took of myself on the way to ruffini's. not sure how i feel about these pics...

this one kinda creeps me out. it's the reflection in the sideview obviously, but i feel like it looks like i'm in the driver's seat driving, and yet both hands are on the camera...