today was a bad day...that's all i got...
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 9, 2010 - dAy thiRTy-eiGHt
thursday. thursday was not very eventful. i was sick. like stay at home sick. no good. got a lot of sleeping done, but not a lot of pictures or blogging. not much else to say really except that i hate being sick. not that i know too many people who enjoy it. come to think of it, i don't know anyone who enjoys being sick...
Bird made spaghetti for dinner...didn't eat much...couldn't taste anything.
the lazy dog that shared the couch with me all day...i think this might be considered upside down, but it's how i took the picture originally...strange what one does while sick...
September 8, 2010 - dAy thiRTy-sEvEN
wednesday. work schmirk. then straight to Manda Panda's for dinner with her and Kimusabi for Kimusabi's day of birth. she made pork tacos. it's a good thing i love tacos...LOL. ate dinner, looked at wedding photos and then watched a movie-something about the Morgans?...can't remember the title. cute movie. one Bird would definitely not watch with me. too girlie for sure. but cute none the less. it was all about sister love...
that and her seriously large cat...22 pounds baby...22 pounds of pure mean...
he did seriously LOVE having his picture taken though...
September 7, 2010 - dAy thiRTy-siX
today i'm thankful that my sister Kim was born. she's like my second mom. so it was a good day! except for the part where i had to go to work. oh, and the part where this is the day i started to feel sick. blargh... so i went to work schmirk and then went home and made tacos! yum... then Bird and i went down to ruffini's to celebrate the new location for open mic on our off tuesdays from the beaver. i prefer ruffini's to the beaver, so this makes me happy. it was also our friend Kenny's b-day. so it was a celebration all around really.
Nicola Ricola and Brady Johnny's eyeball. i told her to come close. wanted a pic of her and Johnny. instead she did what i said literally. so naturally...i took a pic of this ridiculousness.
birthday girl and me. good one Kimusabi.
this is what we look like when we play.
Joe on the guitar.
Tommy on the Dobro. very cool.
and his B.E.A.utiful wife Heidi.
all in all it was a very good time. stopped at wawa on the way home and then crashed. good day.
September 6, 2010 - dAy thiRTy-fiVE
monday. turns out i kept thinking it was sunday funday and it wasn't. so i called it monday funday and i've finally found a monday that i like. coming home kinda sucked, but at least i wasn't at work. we didn't do much this day either except clean up and get ready for the ride home. found another spider though...
fat juicy little fella. just a daddy-long-legger...but i still like him
drift wood always makes for fun pics...
i decided after a while that i wanted to take a walk. wanted some different pics. some i've never taken before of up there.
idk...some kind of bug skin...looked cool.
had to get in the water for this one and the next. but it was worth it even though it was cold. can't wait to go back and see the leaves change and take this one again.
September 5, 2010 - dAy tHiRTy-fouR
sunday funday. i usually don't like sundays in the mountains because it's usually leaving day. but we had monday still and so it wasn't that bad. had a rather laxidaisy day. hung around with the kids. went to walmart. built another fire. the typical mountain aray of fun...

Lydia's static head from the hammock
view looking up from the hammock
went out to dinner with Mom, Dad, Bird, and Fran...needless to say an interesting time. $1.85 for Labatts Blue. so i had to take a pic
Frederick...not Freddy...
had a fire and went to bed. was tired today from all the drinking fun the day before.
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