Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 12, 2010 - dAy 102

friday chiday!!! sweet god thank you. i've waited all week for this day! today starts our first weekly friday hh (Happy Hour) with friends. we've decided that going out for hh is WAY too expensive anymore and in order to save money we are now having friday night hh fires. turns out...it's a lot of fun. however, it sort of just ends up a hn (Happy Night)! good friends, good times, good food, good drink. who could ask for more??

just a couple of my favorites. nbd

November 11, 2010 - dAy 101

i've decided that i don't feel like typing out the numbers as they're spelled anymore. going numerical here people. hold on.

thursday. thursday is always a good day. just means we're that much closer to friday. which is chiday. which i love. but of course you already know all this.

oh...and Kimusabi cooked a new recipe. yum. brown butter cheese tortelini with ham, spinach and peppers. great...now i'm hungry again. figures.