monday. damn monday. today i decided that it's time to find a new job. a must. i'm tired of watching the money come in and go back out as fast if not faster. i want there to be something left over...a girl can dream right? what would i be without dreams? went to work schmirk as usual. though i should have stayed home. still feel like crap and i hate it. being sick is worse when you're an adult. not only to you miss the things you want to do, but you stress over the things that you need to do, but can't because you're least when you were a kid, you got to watch movies and eat ice cream and snuggle with your're biggest worry (and really it was your mother's, not yours) was whether or not you were missing something important in school... came home from work and cooked dinner. meatloaf. i like meatloaf, but i've come to find out it does not photograph very well. kinda gross looking actually. oh well. only took the one...cause i'm sick...and i hate everything...
hung out with Kim for a bit. she came over to bring me the nettie pot (sp?), this contraption that allows you to poor warm, salty, zincafied (a word i just made up meaning: zinc added) water up into your nasal cavaties (not to be confused with teeth cavities). basically it shoots up into your sinuses and gets all the gross stuff out. you might say, "i don't want to know what's up in there when i'm sick"-and you'd be right. i didn't want to know. but this feeling was overpowered by my need to rid my body of this disease that has taken over. yet another gross thing one must face when sick. i don't like it. kinda feels like drowning, but not really. made me feel better for a while though. watched the phils and went to bed. the end of a crappy day...
meatloaf. at least i got to eat something nutritous. if meatloaf is nutritous that is. it was better then soup. i don't like to eat soup when i'm sick.