Thursday, August 5, 2010

it'S tHe sMaLL tHiNgs - dAy thRee

I started the evening with my dogs...Joepetie is the best snuggler when he wants to be cool...

Our 82 lb Boxer...Kaley. I call her 'The Brute Squad' because she's too big to be singular!

Found this fly stuck to a spiders web on our was still alive and moving and kinda made me feel bad actually, but the spider was no where to be found. I may try to remember to venture out there tomorrow to see if it's still there...crazy looking bug.

The night began with grill cheese sandwiches. We headed over to my cousin Charlie's for some quoits and beer and good snacks-cousin Jen made this pizza dip that I still hate her for! Drank a little too much beer and vodka...that sweet tea vodka is killing me. Took my guitar only to let it sit behind me the whole time.