slowest day of my life so far! i leave for the beach tomorrow and the clock was not on my side today... Got up early and went running. it wasn't too bad this morning. last couple mornings i didn't even bother it was so thick outside. went to work schmirk. what a drag that place is sometimes. for the most part i like the people i work with, but what i do is soooooo mundane and repetitive...get it...? i think a well trained monkey could do my job. came home, ate pizza, packed up the laundry while Bird tried to hunt down the groundhog, and headed to mom and dad's to do a load of laundry. took some pics while i was there. sat with Kim for a while. came home to find Bird and Don fixing the water/pump/leak problem and watched kaley chase flies for a while...seriously though try to envision this...82 lbs of clumsiness leaping around our small little place for A FLY... she catches 'em sometimes too! Gonna go pack for the beach and hit the sack.

ladies and gentlemen i have finally found photobucket and i'm in love. joepetie is in love with kaley. she is his girlfriend and he is her boyfriend. they make out every night. it's kinda gross actually.
dirty dog prints
my feet do strange things. i thought they looked funny.
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