Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 15, 2011 - dAy 166

saturday morning Nicola Ricola, Brady Johnny, Christine, Bubba and i ventured our hungover asses to The Coffee Cup in Downingtown. got myself a small 'mess', drank 3 glasses of tomatoe juice, 2 cups of water, and 2 cups of coffee...i was now ready for the heart attack that was sure to follow...but did not...instead...i spent the rest of the day worthless and laying on the couch...hating myself...

Brady Johnny jelly art...

January 14 2011 - dAy 165

friday chiday. actually i can't remember if i did have chinese today...hmmm...oh well, who cares. it's still chiday to me.

went out to Ruffini's for hh and of course it turned into hn (Happy Night). drank WAY too much and then went to Four Dogs with Bubba, Nicola Ricola, Brady Johnny and Christine to watch Nash play. good times all around...what i can remember that is. apparently, i'm a drunkin' dancer...and took out a few chairs! HA ...at least i had sober Christine to drive me home!

oops...not paying attention...

...and why are they so dark?? This camera phone thingie is getting old...

Don B always playin' pool.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the talented Nash. not many people can play the guitar and drink beer off the ground from a 3 foot straw! LOL I'm glad that the pictures stop here...cause i think this is where i stop remembering...

January 13, 2011 - dAy 164

thursday...this ice/snow situation is getting out of control. My shrubs are frozen to the house...

January 12, 2011 - dAy 163

wednesday. snow. i love snow. not sure why everyone always complains about it. move. that's what i say. cause you live in PA. and guess what? it snows in PA.

my snowy drive home from work. the plows could do a little better job around us, but i don't really care all that much...the white is pretty.

went to the Beaver for couple of drinks. i like this menu... or the paper it was printed on anyway

January 11, 2011 - dAy 162

tuesday. fail.

January 10, 2011 - dAy 161

monday. man. i. hate. mondays. this not having a camera thing is really kinda bringing me down...wtf...if someone took it, i wish they would give it back. it was only a cheap one, though cheap being $350 is not so cheap to me... ): and i'm not enjoying the quality of pictures my phone takes.

football though my beer bottle...would have looked better with my camera...

January 9, 2011 - dAy 160

sunday funday. epic fail.

January 8, 2011 - dAy 159

saturday. hung at home most of the day. had a glass of wine and then took some pictures of the dogs thru them. you can hardly see Joepetie in the first one.

a distorted Kaley dog

venison for dinner...yum

good 'ole pinch loves the scratches!!

hung out some with Smellin' Ellen and Gina. got to meet fat fat Cal Cal, the fatest loudest mean cat ever. i loved him naturally!

Lennie B Lennie a.k.a. the 'perm'. he's sideways...and i can't figure out why...i'm over it

January 7, 2011 - dAy 158


January 6, 2011 - dAy 157

thursday. went to Shelley and Bob's after work for mani/pedi's for the dogs. if Kelpie didn't like me before, she really doesn't like me now cause i touched her feet! Poor Rocket (a.k.a. Buckethead) could hardly walk though. trimming the old man's nails helps though...good 'ole dog!

and then there's Tonka...the wonder dog!! he plays table hockey with his food!! HA

January 5, 2011 - dAy 156

wednesday, Kimusabi and i went to the Station Taproom to meet Beth and her new beau...Tim. we liked him. we liked him a lot actually! lol ...but what i really liked was this mac 'n' cheese! BANGIN'!!

holy goodness batman!! 

January 4, 2011 - dAy 155

tuesday schmoozday. i love a good fire... but for some reason this picture wants to load itself sideways...i've tried 10 different ways and i officially give up...it's just gonna be sideways.

January 3, 2011 - dAy 154

monday. crap. here we are again with another epic fail...no picture ):

January 2, 2011 - dAy 153

sunday. Christine is finally 18!!! lol she can now legally vote, buy cigarette's and bartend. so we went out to dinner for the joyous occasion. Hibachi's! love that place.

these fish kinda creep me out...not sure why...but i took a shit ton of pictures...

birthday girl doesn't even know i photographed her indecisiveness!

i think she might actually be strangling someone here.

...nope...still breathing

Kimusabi and myself...cheesin'

January 1, 2011 - dAy 152

rabbit rabbit. did everyone say it when they woke up??...yeah...i did...i'm still waiting for the riches...

anywho, nice relaxing day at la casa del mis padres. not much goin' on 'cept the squirrel...

didn't care that i was watchin' him at all...brave little bugger... and somehow, i caught a cardinal in both of these shots...

he's only on the porch cause he knows the bird seed is in that can...bricks somehow keep him out...but don't feel bad...he gets nuts instead...he's just greedy. thinks all the food belongs to him

December 31, 2010 - dAy 151

friday New Year's Eve!! dinner at Ruffini's and then some music at the Beaver, and then some Dick Clark at mom and dad's!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!!

Johnny art.

...so i got a pick of Nicole smiling instead of making one of her faces...and yet...in the background Brady Johnny makes a face...i can't win

December 30, 2010 - dAy 150

thursday. went to visit Don and Tootie Toot McTooterson tonight. she's a giant!

seeing Tootie always makes me miss Dickey. man in the land of the sand. Iraq needs to send you home bub!!

December 29, 2010 - dAy 149

wednesday. my fascination with bugs and spiders has been put on hold it seems. the cold weather makes them retreat somewhat and they're harder to find. here's my little kitchen buddy...

and i'm not a fan of my camera phone...you can't see how pretty he is...

December 28, 2010 - dAy 148

no camera + sadness = fail ...no pictures

December 27, 2010 - dAy 147

monday. man i hate mondays. wtf. can we just skip mondays? i'm starting to hate sundays just because it means monday is coming. then i end up resenting tuesday because she takes WAY too long to get here...

anywho...let the snow begin!

snow always seems to make people angry. i like the snow. i plan on going skiing this year. it's been years...but i'm gonna do it damnmit!

December 26, 2010 - dAy 146

the day after Christmas is always a sad day. the build up is so intense for the holidays that i usually end up feeling like i need a vacation...or at least a 2 day nap. i'm starting to get angry about this lost/stolen camera. it really upsets me. what upsets me more is that i have no way of getting those pictures back. unless of course, my camera miraculously appears. so...there is no record of Christmas 2010 for me. it's almost like it never happened... ):

December 25, 2010 - dAy 145

Christmas Day. lost/stolen pictures. i wonder if someone else is enjoying my pictures, or if they threw them away?, or if i'm just a blasphemous idiot and have completely lost my marbles...

today = fail

December 24, 2010 - dAy 144

Christmas Eve!! one of my favorite days of the year! i think i might even like christmas eve more than christmas day. i know that i had my camera for christmas eve and christmas day; however, i never downloaded the pictures from those days, and now the camera is lost/stolen...who knows...i have lost my camera. i am angry. i am sad. and i'm at a loss. today there is no picture. i have my camera on my phone and so i will try to make do for now...but today...there are no pictures );   ...no pictures at all   ...this for sure is an EPIC FAIL... );

December 23, 2010 - dAy 143

thursday. girls night! went to Victory with Niki and Kate and Kimusabi. ate good food, drank good beer and had a ton of laughs! i need these girls in my life more often than they are! miss u love u! muah!

i love their pizza

don't remember what i was drinking. just remember that it was good.

and we drank a few...surprise surprise

love these girls!

December 22, 2010 - dAy 142

epic fail. no pic today...somehow...i've completely overlooked the 22nd day of december. this isn't as easy as i thought it was going to be...

December 21, 2010 - dAy 141

tuesday. went up to Sara and Nathaniel's to go ice skating with the kids!...a lot of fun except that the ice wasn't that great....just a little bumpy...but hey...that's pond skating for you!

for some reason...i only have pics of Anna...with Bubba showing off in the backround of course! lol...think maybe she was the only one still outside at this point.

"CC...take a picture of me like this" - Anna

snuggling inside where it's warm!

♪♪♫♫♩boogie boogaloo ♪♪♫♫♩
we went out on to the ice with Alice. She even had her double bladed training ice skates...but her face coming in contact with the ice left her speechless and making some seriously strange noises that frightened me and so Aunt Kim took her inside...as you can see...the ice did not flatten her face and all is well again...